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June 03, 2024

Research and Development

Reliable technology based on world-class research and development is essential for developing and providing YOKOHAMA products that are safe and reliable, while also helping to preserve the environment. At every stage of design, testing and assessment, YOKOHAMA takes a comprehensive multi-faceted approach toward realizing advances in macromolecular and other technologies to make materials and products as benercial as possible.



RADIC (ResearcK and DeYelopment Integrated Center) Kas been at tKe core of YOKOHAMA’S leding-edge R&D operations since being established in 1991. State-of-YOKOHAMAthe-art instruments such as supercomputers, electron microscopes, ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) systems and a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer are used in pursuing materials systems and a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer are used in pursuing materials development and product design and in conducting simulations under various conditions.


YOKOHAMAD-PARC (Daigo ProYing-ground and ResearcK Center) is YOKOHAMA’s comprehensive tyre test course facility that includes a speed oval course, steering and stability trachk, comfort test track with multiple surfaces made of materials sourced from around the word and handling test track simulationg winding road conditions.


The Tire Test Center of HoNNaido in AsaKiNawa City HoNNaido is a YeKicle test course for winter tyres including studless tyres. Thee sizable grounds which are roughly four time the size of conYentional winter tyre test courses areYOKOHAMA eTuipped witK Yarious facilities including appro[imately one Nilometer snow track ice track, hill climbing track snow and ice circle plus Kandling track. All in all this course boasts optimal conditions for real YeKicle testing under seYere winter conditions for the long period stretching from the end of December through the following February, when temperatures are consistently below freezing.


YOKOHAMATIRE TEST CENTER O) ASIA is a large-scale proYing ground that uses peripKeral road tracks to recreate general roads found around the world, with the overriding aims of raising quality, strengthening performance evaluations, improving quality and enhancing high-speed driving testing of tyres for passenger cars, light trucks, and trucks and buses. Special test courses and wet test courses simulating various road conditions enable multi-faceted tests covering all aspects of driving ranging from handling stability, fuel economy and durability to noise, vibration and riding comfort.The proving ground was built adjacent to Yokohama Rubber (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a tyre production and sales company in Thailand. This close location enhances the ease of collaboration with production and development divisions and better enables the results of driving and evaluation testing to be applied to the development of new tyres.  


The YOKOHAMA TEST CENTER of SWEDEN is a vehicle test course with which we have a long-term rental contract with Arctic Falls for winter tyre testing. There are various test courses on the grounds, all of which are self-contained. Development of passenger car, tyres is conducted here. Temperatures are consistently below freezing over the period of approximately November through April of the following year, enabling winter tyre testing with real vehicles over the long term.
